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Dear Friends,

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of my monthly e-newsletter. This past month, I have introduced legislation inspired by my constituents, voted in support of a COVID-19 relief package to support our local communities, and spoken to many members of the 31st District.

I want to emphasize that my door is always open. I look forward to visitors and the opportunity to speak with the constituents I proudly represent. I welcome any input from residents as it is my number one priority to make sure your voices are heard. If I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or my office.


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Kevin Daley
State Senator
31st District

Daley announces office hours on March 22

I will be holding office hours with constituents across the 31st District on Monday, March 22.

I will be available to answer questions and provide information and assistance, as well as take suggestions on issues affecting communities and businesses in the district. No appointment is necessary. Please join me for an opportunity to discuss issues important to you!

For more information visit my website or call my office at 517-373-1777.

The office hours meetings will take place on Monday, March 22 at the following times and locations:

8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Deerfield Township Hall
30 E. Burnside Road
North Branch

11 a.m. to noon
Bangor Charter Township Hall
180 State Park Drive
Bay City

1 to 2 p.m.
Caro City Hall
317 S. State St.

Please note that masks and proper social distancing will be required inside of these municipal buildings.

Daley supports supplemental proposal, frustrated by governor’s vetoes

Last week, the Senate approved over $4.2 billion in additional COVID-19 relief that prioritizes what Michigan needs most right now — ensuring our seniors get vaccines, providing funding to those who have lost their jobs and had their businesses closed, and making sure schools have the resources to return to in-person learning.

Over the last year, the Senate has dedicated over $4 billion to COVID-19 relief, including critical funds for testing, vaccines, front-line workers, schools and out-of-work Michiganders. Our latest relief plan dedicates another $4.2 billion to fighting the effects of the virus.

This latest spending plan is another installment of funds to support the health of our families, our communities, our economy and to help get our students back on track. This supplemental would provide $110 million more for vaccine distribution, $150 million to continue the increased pay for direct care workers, $2 billion in school funding to help tackle learning loss, $300 million to assist Michigan businesses facing financial hardships due to shutdown orders, $150 million to boost the state’s drained Unemployment Trust Fund and more.

I was proud to support this responsible spending plan. Unfortunately, Gov. Whitmer decided to veto hundreds of millions of dollars of this bipartisan funding.

The governor’s vetoes eliminate millions intended to help the businesses harmed by her shutdown orders, including $300 million in grants to help businesses keep their doors open; $150 million to ensure the state’s Unemployment Trust Fund remains solvent after record unemployment levels; and $50 million to reimburse Michigan businesses charged licensing and inspection fees even when they were closed through no fault of their own.

Gov. Whitmer’s actions speak louder than her words. She claims she wants to help businesses struggling to stay open, but then cruelly vetoes funding that would help them do just that.

Local American Legion members join Daley to support relief legislation

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This week, I was joined by members of two local American Legion posts to testify in support of legislation before a Senate committee.

Mike Pergande, who serves as the adjutant and building/bar chairman for American Legion Post 18 in Bay City, and Jim Smith, immediate past commander of American Legion Post 457 in North Branch, traveled to Lansing to testify in support of my bills, Senate Bills 125 and 126, which would provide relief to certain community organizations that suffered as a result of the COVID-19 closures.

My bills would prorate or credit certain state license fees for times licensees were unable to use their license as intended due to the pandemic and resulting orders. SB 125 would prorate club liquor license fees for the times they were prohibited to offer indoor service throughout the past year. SB 126 would not charge large bingo license holders 2021 license fees if applicants held a license in 2020.

I want to help ease the burden for these fantastic organizations who do so much for our communities. The nonprofits that can hold a club liquor license or host a weekly bingo are huge participants in their local communities and I believe they deserve our support now more than ever.

We need to take care of these folks that so often take care of us in our communities, and I look forward to continuing to find ways to support these important local organizations.

Get your free tax guide!

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It is that time of year again. Tax season is once again here, and as residents of the 31st District are preparing to file their taxes, many are curious about what to do or about changes that may have taken place over the past year.

I am happy to offer a free taxpayer’s guide for folks who are interested in some additional guidance this tax season.

The Michigan Taxpayer’s Guide is a reference for the 2020 tax year and is designed to help residents prepare their state tax returns. The booklet contains information on Michigan’s income tax, property taxes and tax credits. Included is a year-long listing of important property tax dates and deadlines as well as copies of the most commonly used tax forms. It also features addresses, phone numbers and email information for obtaining state agency tax assistance.

These booklets provide a great deal of information and can assist you and your family in preparing your taxes. If you or someone you know would like a copy, please contact my office at 517-373-1777 and my office will get one mailed out to you right away.

Daley legislation would allow for emergency supplies of insulin

I recently introduced a pair of bills that would allow pharmacists to dispense insulin under certain emergency circumstances.

If an individual ever finds themselves in a situation where they are running low on this necessary medication, but they can’t get ahold of their physician to have a refill of their prescription written, a pharmacist would be allowed to dispense a small supply to get them through until they can get in touch with their physician again.

Senate Bill 155 would allow pharmacists to dispense up to a 30-day supply of insulin to an individual if the individual has no current refills on file, but they have a preexisting relationship with that pharmacy, and the pharmacist cannot get hold of the original prescriber.

SB 156 would amend the Insurance Code so an emergency refill dispensed in this situation would be covered by an individual’s health insurance.

Individuals who rely on insulin should never find themselves in a situation where they are unable to access this necessary medication. These bills are meant to provide a safety net to those who rely on insulin in their day-to-day lives.

I want to thank Tammy and Jill, two dedicated advocates, for approaching me about this important issue. I look forward to advancing these bills through the legislative process.

March is Reading Month

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March is Reading Month has arrived. Every year I look forward to visiting schools and reading some of my favorite books to students. While I am disappointed I cannot read to classrooms in person this year, I am happy to offer a fun alternative.

Each week, I will be sharing a video of me “virtually” reading one of my favorite stories on my Facebook. You can also view me reading “The Legend of Sleeping Bear” by Kathy-jo Wargin below. Feel free to share this and other videos with your family or classrooms!

I encourage you and your families to take some extra time to enjoy your favorites stories this month.

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Daley votes to protect Second Amendment, support our troops

Over the past month, I was proud to cosponsor two very important Senate Resolutions.

Senate Resolution 21 calls on the National Guard Bureau to immediately end the food contract for the 1,000 Michigan National Guard service members currently deployed to Washington, D.C., immediately provide a meal stipend for our soldiers and to back pay them for meals that they have purchased out of pocket.

For weeks, troops have reported deplorable and unacceptable food conditions, including raw meats, rotten fruits, and undercooked meals. Our military men and women deserve so much better than this.

Working with my colleagues, we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure they receive better care. I would also like to thank the governor for her commitment to bringing our troops back home to Michigan.

Senate Resolution 22 is a resolution to firmly support the preservation of the Second Amendment.

This resolution was adopted after the White House issued a statement calling for Congress to pass laws that expand background checks on the private transfer of guns, ban some semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity magazines, and eliminate immunity for gun manufacturers.

I am a firm supporter of our rights under the Second Amendment. Our nation's founders knew what they were doing when they outlined this constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It is a fundamental right that should not be infringed upon. I will continue to do what I can to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners, not only in our local communities, but in Michigan as a whole.

Legislation will expand broadband service in underserved areas

The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the necessity of universal broadband access. After schools were closed last spring and students transitioned to online learning, people saw firsthand how difficult it is for many Michiganders to access quality internet services.

That is why I voted in support of Senate Bill 46, sponsored by Sen. Aric Nesbitt, which will encourage broadband expansion by eliminating the personal property tax on broadband equipment. This bill would increase incentives and promote investment in broadband equipment with the hope of bringing more high-speed internet service to underserved areas of our state.

SB 46 was approved by the Senate and is now awaiting consideration in the House Committee on Communications and Technology.

Constituent Connections

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I was honored to present Bob Stevens a tribute for 53 years of service to the Dryden community as a firefighter with the Dryden Fire Department. Also pictured are Chief Mark Hagemeister and Assistant Chief Keith Klobucar.

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I also had the opportunity to join my colleagues Reps. Timmy Beson and Annette Glenn in honoring Euclid Industries and Ron Beebe.

Mr. Beebe received the Michigan Manufacturers Association’s Lifetime Achievement award for his significant contributions in the Great Lakes Bay region.

My office is happy to offer legislative tributes in honor of noteworthy events such as retirement, anniversaries of businesses in our community, awards and public recognitions.

Please contact us at 517-373-1777 or at [email protected] for more information.

State government resources

• Michigan Senate website:
• Michigan House of Representatives website:
• Michigan Legislative website:

Michigan's 31st Senate District

The 31th state Senate District includes all of Bay, Lapeer, and Tuscola counties.

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StAY IN touch

Senator Kevin Daley
5200 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

Phone: 517-373-1777
FAX: 517-373-5871

E-Mail: [email protected]
Visit my website at:

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