Below you will find legislative updates from the state Capitol and information about important events within Oakland County and the 15th Senate District. Thank you for taking the time to read my latest newsletter!
Senator Jim Runestad Serving the 15th State Senate District
Senate passes historic tax cuts for all seniors, families, businesses
The state Senate last week approved a historic $2.5 billion tax cut plan, which I negotiated as chair of the Senate Finance Committee and included my proposal to reduce taxes for all seniors, both working and retired. Senate Bill 768 would lower the state’s personal and business income tax rates to 3.9% from 4.25% and 6%, respectively, and provide families with a $500 per child tax credit. It would also substantially raise the personal exemption on all senior income from $20,000 to $30,000 for individuals and from $40,000 to $60,000 for couples.
The state budget is flush with a historic surplus while Michigan’s families and seniors struggle against historic inflation and other economic hardships that have followed the governor’s unilateral state shutdowns and outrageous Washington spending. The time for historic tax cuts is now, and this is a broad-based approach to help all working Michigan families, seniors and businesses. I’m calling on the House and the governor to pass these tax cuts now for Michigan residents who need to heat their homes, fill their gas tanks, and put food on their tables. Click on the image below to watch my remarks on the Senate floor.
New grant program provides relief for struggling businesses
Last year, I supported Senate Bill 85, which passed before Christmas, to create a grant program for businesses that experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic. After several attempts to provide property tax relief for shuttered businesses were vetoed by the governor in 2020 and 2021, this legislation was finally signed into law.
Afflicted Business Relief program grant applications will become available at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1, at Michigan.gov/abr. Businesses interested in applying are encouraged to sign up for a webinar on the grant program’s website. To learn more about the program or read frequently asked questions, go to Michigan.gov/abr. Individuals with questions should email [email protected].
Press conference details immediate need for policy changes to keep officers and public safe
On Feb. 14, I hosted a press conference in Waterford to hear first-hand from our law enforcement officers about the state of law enforcement in our region. We were joined by elected officials and officers from across Oakland County and neighboring communities who spoke about key issues affecting public safety, including officer discouragement and lack of desire to enter the profession by potential recruits; limited resources; lack of warrant enforcement; low or no bail for violent offenders; lack of sentencing uniformity for violent and habitual offenders statewide; parole enforcement; nonenforcement of weapons charges; revolving door of arrests and releases; and public perceptions.
I want to thank state Sen. Ruth Johnson R-Holly; Oakland County Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard; Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel; Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham; Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole, president of the Michigan’s Sheriff’s Association; Grand Blanc Township Police Chief Ronald Wiles, president of the Michigan Chiefs of Police Association; Sixth Circuit Court Judge Michael Warren; Wayne Beerbower, executive board member for the Police Officers Association of Michigan; Detroit Police Department Assistant Chief David Lavalley; and all who came out call attention to these important issues.
Click the image below to watch a short video about the event.
My bill to combat car theft has been introduced
I recently learned from law enforcement that there has been a concerning increase of car thefts in Southeast Michigan, and they blame handheld computer devices used for automotive key programming and diagnostics. While these tools are helpful in the hands of locksmiths and auto mechanics, criminals are taking advantage of this technology at an alarming rate. The Oakland County Sheriff’s office reports that automobile thefts have increased 66.7% and possession of a motor vehicle as stolen property increased 138% from 2020 to 2021.
IOn Feb. 10, I introduced a bill to add computers or other technology that allow an individual to program a key code for a motor vehicle to the state’s burglary equipment statute, which prescribes a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison for individuals found to be in possession of the equipment with the intention to commit theft. Click on the image below to see my interview on WZZM 13 regarding this legislation as growing trends of automobile thefts in Southwest Michigan and Chicago are beginning to squeeze their way into West Michigan.
First-time homebuyer legislation signed into law
Buying a house is often the biggest investment people will make. Legislation I sponsored and marshaled through Senate Finance Committee created a new program that has been signed into law to help ease the financial burden of a down payment for first-time buyers and makes buying a home a reality for more people.
Senate Bill 145, now Public Act 6 of 2022, creates a savings program to help people save for the down payment and closing costs on their first home. First-time buyers setting up these accounts would be able to deduct up to $5,000 per year for a single filer or $10,000 per year for joint filers from their income if the money is used for a qualified home purchase. This program provides incentives to keep our kids here in Michigan for generations to come.
Addressing the growing border crises, human trafficking and drug cartels
I recently spoke about the growing chaos and criminal activity overwhelming our nation’s southern border because of the Biden Administration’s failed policies. The unprecedented amount of human trafficking and drug activity that is now pouring through our wide-open international border is a national tragedy. Click on the image below to watch my remarks on the Senate floor.
Requested investigation into GoFundMe
On Feb. 7, I sent a letter to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel requesting that she launch an investigation into the crowdsourcing platform GoFundMe — following the lead of several state governors and attorneys general — after it shut down a fundraising effort in support of the Canadian trucker “Freedom Convoy.”
The attorney general talks a lot about consumer protection, but the rubber meets the road when we are dealing with multibillion-dollar, powerful, technology giants. I have asked the attorney general to carry out her role as an advocate for Michigan consumers and investigate GoFundMe as to whether it has seriously misled residents who have utilized its services and is in violation of state law meant to protect consumers from shady companies.
$1.2B in federal health care funding passed
This month the Legislature approved a fiscal year 2022 supplemental bill to provide an additional $1.2 billion in federal funding to address COVID-19 health care issues across the state.
I voted against the bill because it included language that could allow for life-saving therapies to be distributed based on a social vulnerability index which may include race, rather than based on medical necessity.
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The 15th District includes the cities of Northville, Novi, Orchard Lake, South Lyon, Walled Lake and Wixom, the townships of Commerce, Lyon, Milford, Novi, West Bloomfield and White Lake, and the villages of Milford and Wolverine Lake.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance on any matter pertaining to state government.
Best Regards,
Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 |