Dear neighbor,
Thank you for taking the time to read my latest newsletter!
Today is Veterans Day. Our veterans need our support now more than ever. Please remember to show your gratitude to all of our veterans and consider attending a veteran memorial service in our community. I hope you will find this update to be helpful and informative regarding what is happening at your state Capitol. Below you will read about how we are working to support parents, invest in the state’s water infrastructure, support medical freedom, secure election integrity, reduce Medicaid costs, support schools as they continue to navigate COVID-19 and more.
Every day I am working to make a difference for families and the most vulnerable in our community! Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if there is anything that my team or myself can do to help.
Working with and for you,
Senator Jim Runestad Serving the 15th State Senate District
Senate resolution condemns Department of Justice stance against parents
I was proud to stand up for parents and recently support the adoption of Senate Resolution 86, condemning the Oct. 4 memo from the U.S Department of Justice that directed the FBI to work with U.S. attorneys and local law enforcement agencies on strategies to investigate parents speaking up at school board meetings across the country.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s memo was issued following a Sept. 29 letter by the National School Board Association to President Biden that insisted the federal government investigate parents protesting at school board meetings under the PATRIOT Act and claimed that “these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”
The attorney general’s memo was a clear act of intimidation and harassment against parents who might speak out against school board actions. The weight of his words has the chilling threat of federal intervention — deterring parents, who have legitimate concerns about school issues, from passionately advocating on behalf of their children. Click here to read my full statement.
Senate panel opens hearings on historic water infrastructure bill
The Senate Appropriations Committee recently began hearings to consider a budget supplemental bill that would invest over $2.5 billion of Michigan’s remaining federal recovery funds to preserve and protect the state’s water quality, treatment infrastructure, environment and more.
Senate Bill 565 would designate $600 million for the replacement of lead pipes across the state, $700 million to upgrade local drinking water and wastewater facilities and $85 million to ensure students have access to safe water by installing filtered water stations inside schools.
The bill would repurpose $290 million in bonds to assist communities with upgrading and replacing water treatment infrastructure, establish a loan program for homeowners seeking to replace failing septic systems and includes $680 million to repair Michigan’s critical dams. An additional $15 million would be available to conduct surface water monitoring, $10 million for wetland mitigation, and $20 million to implement recommendations included in the Groundwater Use Advisory Council Report. The plan also addresses the harmful impacts of PFAS chemicals and would dedicate $100 million in grants to remove the chemicals from “orphaned” sites.
The bill will remain before the committee for further consideration. If passed from the committee, it will move to the full Senate for a vote.
Michigan Legislature opposes vaccine mandates
My office has received daily contacts from concerned citizens about COVID-19 vaccine mandates. I support vaccine choice and individual freedoms to make personal and private medical decisions. I believe vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and will support any effort to limit government overreach. I have supported legislation in both the state House and Senate to restrict vaccine mandates in Michigan. However, passing legislation is not enough as it can be overturned by a governor’s veto.
Our courts are in the best position to stop threats to Americans’ civil liberties. The Michigan Legislature has filed a brief opposing President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine requirements on employers, which are scheduled to go into effect the first week of January and would require certain employers to verify that their employees have been vaccinated or submit to testing.
President Biden’s attempt to mandate vaccines is wrong. Rightfully, numerous states and individuals harmed by this mandate are filing legal challenges. The Legislature fully supports these efforts and will argue in court against this federal overreach.
Gov. Whitmer: Michigan’s most partisan governor
With nearly 100 vetoes of bipartisan bills, Gov. Whitmer has become the most partisan governor in our state’s recent history.
In 2021 alone, 28 out of 29 of the governor’s vetoes have been on bipartisan bills that would have helped Michiganders with autism, fixed our crumbling roads, and protected seniors in nursing homes, just to name a few.
Gov. Whitmer is averaging more vetoes (35 per year) than even Gov. Granholm (25 per year) did in her time in office. Gov. Snyder only averaged 16 vetoes annually in his first three years.
To see just how many bipartisan bills Gov. Whitmer has struck down, visit www.misenategop.com/Whitmers-Veto-Victims/.
Click here to read my comments regarding the governor’s recent vetoes of bills that would have strengthened voter ID laws, provided every Michigan resident with access to a free state ID, and worked to make ensure the integrity of Michigan elections.
Runestad resolution honors celebration of Diwali
On Nov. 2, I was happy to introduce Senate Resolution 91 to recognize the historic, cultural, and religious significance of the festival of Diwali.
I was joined by members of the Indian Community from the 15th Senate District who visited the state Capitol for the Senate’s adoption of the special recognition. It was a great honor to welcome my friends from Oakland County to the Senate in celebration of Diwali.
It is said the rows of lamps lit as part of the Diwali celebration symbolize the light within the individual that rids the soul of the darkness of ignorance. This universal lesson of light triumphing over darkness — the ideal that good triumphs over evil — is a message of hope, peace and prosperity that unites all people of goodwill.
Diwali is a five-day festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists — totaling more than one billion people around the world. This year’s festival began on Nov. 4. You may watch my remarks in the video below:
Share your thoughts about creating specialty integrated plans for Medicaid patients
Senate Bills 597 and 598 were introduced to require the Department of Health and Human Services to integrate the administration and provision of Medicaid physical health care services and behavioral health specialty services through the creation of SIPs (specialty integrated plans). Those who support the bills believe these changes will reduce costs for local governments and streamline the billing process for Medicaid patients who require physical and behavioral service. Those in opposition to the bills believe they will not cut savings for the state and that vulnerable populations will be put at risk. Please share your thoughts and recommendations on this legislation by emailing me at [email protected].
Let’s give schools flexibility in learning
Current law requires that schools have at least 75% of students attending school in person on an average daily basis in order to receive full state aid payments. This has created challenges for schools that are working hard to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and have students temporarily out of the classroom due to close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
That is why I supported Senate Bill 664 to allow schools to count quarantined students toward the average daily attendance requirement. It also allows those students to be counted for the purposes of count day under certain conditions. Furthermore, quarantined students may learn online without specific requirements applying as long as there are daily two-way interactions.
SB 664 was passed unanimously by the Senate and will now go to the House for consideration.
Michigan Suicide Prevention Commission
I am proud to have worked alongside members of both parties to create the Suicide Prevention Commission in 2019. The objectives of the Suicide Prevention Commission are to get to the root causes of suicide and develop tools on how to prevent it. Since it was signed into law, Public Act 177 of 2019 has made steady progress toward the objectives it set out to achieve. Click here to learn more or to listen to commission hearings.
Michigan’s online career tool has been updated
Pathfinder, Michigan’s online career exploration tool, has received a major update to make it easier for residents to use.
Pathfinder is a free tool that provides information to students, their parents and guidance counselors, to help them make informed choices about educational and career options. This free tool uses current labor market information, wage data, and other data and metrics, to allow users to match skills and interests with career paths and jobs. The recent update allows users to choose and compare multiple paths and even print or email completed paths to use later. For more information or to try the Pathfinder tool, please visit MiTalent.org.
Archery season underway, firearm season starts Nov. 15
Archery deer hunting season is underway and runs until Nov. 14. The season will take a break Nov. 15-30 during regular firearm deer hunting season. It will then reopen on Dec. 1 and continue until the end of the year.
For information like that and more, the 2021 edition of the Michigan Hunting Digest is now available for all interested residents. This annual publication, made available by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, contains everything hunters need to know, including the latest rules and regulations pertaining to hunting and trapping, as well as species-specific information.
Hunters can use the hunting digest to find license information, hunting zones and hours, rules, regulations and more.
The 2021 Hunting Digest is available online by clicking here and can be downloaded to a smartphone or other personal device for use in the field.
November is Military Family Appreciation Month
Behind every Michigander serving in our armed forces is a loving family back home.
Military families make unique sacrifices and challenges in supporting their loved ones in uniform. No matter what rank or branch, or where life has taken them, our nation’s military families share the common threads of service and sacrifice.
Military Family Appreciation Month is a wonderful time to remember and thank our military families for the sacrifices they make in preserving and protecting our freedoms.
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The 15th District includes the cities of Northville, Novi, Orchard Lake, South Lyon, Walled Lake and Wixom, the townships of Commerce, Lyon, Milford, Novi, West Bloomfield and White Lake, and the villages of Milford and Wolverine Lake.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance on any matter pertaining to state government.
Best Regards,
Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 |