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Dear Neighbors,

There is no doubt we are in a health crisis that is inflicting significant harm to our economy and the financial well-being of people throughout our state. I have heard from constituents who have had their serious health issues escalate because the governor banned important non-emergency medical care. Constituents have told me heart-wrenching stories about being unable to even receive a response from the Unemployment Insurance Agency and the stress that causes. Seniors have shared being on the verge of homelessness because their lease was running out and, unlike in every other state, our governor was preventing the construction of homes. One small business owner who would be considered essential in any other state was banned from operating in Michigan, so they are having difficulties meeting the needs of their own family and paying for critical medications for their child.

Yes, these are difficult times, but the most effective and responsible path is for all of us, including the governor, to work together to defeat this virus, sustain vulnerable citizens and rebuild our lives and economy.

In the Senate, we have attempted to provide input and partner with the governor, but Gov. Whitmer is unwilling to collaborate or listen. At the federal level, President Trump, the U.S. House with a Democrat majority, and the U.S. Senate with a Republican majority have worked together to pass consequential laws in the midst of this crisis. In Michigan, Gov. Whitmer has made clear that she must be totally 100% in charge and that anyone who believes she should consider the ideas and perspectives of others are just ‘playing political games.’ That arrogance is shameful and beneath the dignity of the office of governor.

As we have sadly learned, one-person decision-making is not the most effective method. Gov. Whitmer has made critical errors that could have been avoided, such as forgetting for four weeks to apply for federal assistance to bring more personal protective equipment and testing capabilities to our state. The governor also failed to give her Unemployment Insurance Agency director a heads up about her orders and has failed to direct enough resources to assist people applying for unemployment benefits. The list of mistakes that hurt the lives of Michigan citizens goes on and on. What is most heart-breaking is many of these terrible mistakes could have been avoided if the governor was willing to work as a partner and listen to the duly elected representatives of Michigan’s citizens.

Since the governor refuses to negotiate, the Senate and House today passed legislation that will help our state through this crisis. Specifically, the legislation presented to the governor for her signature will:

Protect first responders and health care professionals as they work in this crisis from unnecessary liabilities and lawsuits.
Continue common sense emergency actions, including property tax and income tax payment flexibility, preserving water services, public safety enhancements, longer-term access to medications, and other regulatory relief measures.
Allow medical procedures and construction to resume, like our neighboring states.
Empower the senate majority leader to take legal action to preserve the constitutional balance of powers.
Not grant the governor additional emergency powers because this law provides state government the tools to combat this health, financial, and economic crisis.

If the governor vetoes this legislation, it’s simply because she wants 100% control over all decisions in our state rather than going through the regular Constitutional process that would refine and improve state actions. The people deserve a state government that works collaboratively and effectively to make the best decisions during this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. I will continue listening to you, working for you, and praying for the best for the people of Michigan.


Aric Nesbitt
State Senator
26th District


Michigan's 26th Senate District

The 26th State Senate District includes all of Allegan and Van Buren counties, as well as the city of Kentwood and Gaines Township in Kent County.

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Senator Aric Nesbitt
6100 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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