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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Welcome to the most recent edition of my monthly e-newsletter.

Below you’ll find an update on some items we’ve been working on in Lansing.

Thank you for allowing me to represent you in the Michigan Senate. I am grateful each and every day to work for the people of the 33rd Senate District.


Rick Outman
State Senator
33rd Senate District

Democrats vote to adjourn for the year, leave Lansing early

The Democratic majorities in the House and Senate have voted to end the 2023 legislative session. This is the earliest the Legislature has adjourned in the last 55 years.

Democrat lawmakers in both chambers voted to end all legislative work for the year after just 10 months. After strong-arming partisan policies that will send Michigan backward and leave families, seniors, and small businesses with higher taxes and energy rates, they voted to leave town for the year while still collecting their taxpayer-funded paychecks.

Rather than working to continue addressing the problems facing Michigan families, this historically early adjournment leaves work on the table and puts the needs of residents behind the governor’s political aspirations.

Teachers, police officers, nurses, construction workers, and employees from every industry in this state are expected to show up to their jobs. Lawmakers have that same responsibility, and we should be working together to improve the quality of life for the hardworking people of our state.

I voted no on House Concurrent Resolution 10 to end legislative work for the year.

Extreme energy mandates pass Senate with partisan approval

A major overhaul of Michigan’s energy policy was recently pushed through the Legislature by Democrats along party lines. The changes would make energy in our state less reliable and much more expensive — even though Michigan’s power outage rate is double the national average and energy rates are among the highest in the nation.

Among other things, these bills would set an unrealistic target for a 100% clean energy mandate by 2040 and remove decision-making authority for wind and solar projects from local governments.

I’ve sat on the energy committees in both the House and Senate and have spent a great deal of time working to reform the state’s energy policies. In 2016, the Legislature passed bipartisan energy legislation that established goals to increase the use of renewables as part of our energy production. Clean energy has and will continue to have bipartisan support when paired with other proven and reliable energy sources that won’t increase costs for families.

The efforts we saw pushed through the Legislature recently place far too much reliance on wind and solar, while giving the state the power to overrule local governments who decide they don’t want their community packed with wind turbines and solar farms — and mark my words: A large majority of the Democrat bill sponsors who pushed for this will never see a wind or solar development in their districts, that burden will all fall on communities in rural Michigan.

These measures simply go too far. Too many questions have been left unanswered, the technologies these bills wager our future on remain unproven, the damage to our farmland will take generations to repair, and the costs associated with this major transition remain unknown.

I voted no on these bills. You can view my floor speech on the effort to remove local decision-making authority below.

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Financial disclosure bills heading to governor

In 2022, voters approved Proposal 1 by more than 66%, amending the Michigan Constitution to require legislators and statewide officeholders to file an annual financial disclosure report. Senate Bills 613-616 implement Proposal 1’s financial disclosure section.

Together, these bills will require the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, members of the Legislature — and spouses in limited instances — to disclose certain financial information every year.

While I think more could be done, these bills are a great step forward and were passed with bipartisan support.

They now move to the governor for her signature.

Outman joins MVAA to honor Michigan veterans

I recently had the pleasure of joining Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency Director Brian L. Love at a ceremony in Lansing to humbly recognize the Michiganders who answered our nation’s call.

I’d like to thank Director Love for the opportunity and those who served our great country!

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Grants available for municipalities struggling financially

The Department of Treasury has announced a total of $2.5 million in grant funding available for cities, villages, and townships that are struggling financially. These funds will help municipalities fund special projects and free up revenues for important local services for the 2024 fiscal year.

The Financially Distressed Cities, Villages, and Townships Grant Program helps eligible localities pay for specific projects or services that move a community toward financial stability. Preference is given to applications from municipalities that meet one or more of the following criteria:

• A financial emergency has been declared in the past 10 years.
• An approved deficit elimination plan for the general fund is currently in place.
• Two or more conditions indicating “probable financial distress” currently exist.
• The fund balance of the general fund has been declining over the past five years and the fund balance is less than 3% of general fund revenues.

A total of $2.5 million in funding is available for Treasury to award through the grant program for the 2024 fiscal year.

Grant applications must be submitted to the state treasury department by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8. Visit for more information and to download an application.

DNR reports CWD-positive deer

A 4-year-old doe in Klacking Township, Ogemaw County, recently tested positive for chronic wasting disease.

CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects white-tailed deer, elk and moose. To date, the disease also has been detected in the following Michigan counties: Clinton, Dickinson, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Jackson, Kent, Midland and Montcalm.

Since CWD was first detected in 2015, over 103,000 deer have been tested for CWD in Michigan. There have been over 137,000 wild deer tested in total. The Ogemaw County deer is the department’s 251st positive animal.

Each year, the DNR selects a different group of counties for testing. This year, testing will focus on the northwestern Lower Peninsula and a few counties in other areas where additional herd information is still needed. The focal counties for 2023 CWD testing include Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Hillsdale, Isabella, Kalkaska, Lake, Leelanau, Manistee, Missaukee, Osceola and Wexford. These counties will have CWD testing drop boxes, staffed submission sites, and partner processors and taxidermists to assist with collection efforts.

In the rest of the state, testing is available through direct submission by hunters to a cooperating approved U.S. Department of Agriculture diagnostic laboratory for a fee or through free self-sample shipping kits in counties where CWD has previously been detected.

Proper disposal of a deer carcass is critical to prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease. Deer carcasses should go directly to a landfill or be disposed of through your regular trash pickup to be taken to a landfill. Deer harvested from known CWD areas should never be disposed of on the landscape in non-CWD areas.

For more information on chronic wasting disease, visit

Michigan deer firearm season now open

Hunting has been a tradition for many Michigan families for generations. Our state offers vast opportunities for hunters, who play an important role in wildlife conservation and management.

Last year, over 586,000 deer hunters harvested more than 300,000 deer. With regular deer firearm season now open until Nov. 30, I wanted to pass along some useful information. Hunting digests, including the 2023 edition of the Michigan General Hunting Digest from the Department of Natural Resources, feature all current state rules and regulations. It is one of several digests available online that can be downloaded to a smartphone or other personal device for use in the field.

I hope you find these resources helpful and wish you a happy hunting season!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Before the war for independence had been fought, before the Declaration of Independence had been signed or the Constitution had been written, the earliest settlers to North America paused to give thanks. This tradition of gratitude has continued for centuries and has become an important part of American culture and marks a season of gratitude and celebration.

Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Michigan's 33rd Senate District

Michigan’s 33rd Senate District now includes Montcalm and Newaygo counties, along with parts of Ionia, Lake, Kent, Muskegon and Ottawa counties.

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Thank you for subscribing to my electronic newsletter! I am honored to represent you in the 33rd Senate District of Michigan. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to forward this on to others who may be interested in receiving the 33rd District E-news. You may sign up for it also at my website.

Senator Rick Outman
4400 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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