Dear friends,
I hope and pray that you, your family, your friends and your neighbors are safe and healthy.
As Michigan’s coronavirus situation continues to improve, it’s more important than ever that we remain committed to looking out for our most vulnerable and those considered the most at-risk.
My office continues to work with thousands of residents struggling to receive their unemployment at this time. Please feel free to call my office at 517-373-1758, or visit my website to submit your information. While we can’t guarantee we will fix your case right away, I can promise that we will do all that we can to help.
Meanwhile, I am working on legislation that will make a difference for families and the most vulnerable in our community. Please feel free to share this email with your friends and neighbors. And if you haven’t subscribed to my email newsletter, please do so by clicking here.
In your service,
Senator Jim Runestad Serving the 15th State Senate District
Senate approves Runestad resolution protecting electronic data
The Michigan Legislature unanimously approved my resolution to protect residents’ electronic data against unreasonable searches and seizures, and reasserted our fundamental right to privacy.
To see both Chambers of the Legislature approve this measure fills me with great joy and optimism for our state. These protections are important not only for Michiganders today, but for future generations to come.
Senate Joint Resolution G would clearly define in the Michigan Constitution that electronic data and communications are property and are exempt from search and seizure without a warrant. I want to thank my colleagues for their support.
Americans shouldn’t be forced to choose between using new technologies and protecting their privacy. It is long past time that our state extends the same basic protections to our electronic data that have existed for our paper data for centuries.
SJR G will be placed on the next statewide general election ballot. Similar measures in New Hampshire and Missouri both passed with overwhelming support. I look forward to November – now just around the corner – when Michigan will become a national leader in personal privacy protection. Learn more now.
Petition calls on nursing homes to allow cameras in rooms
Nursing home residents should have the option of installing a camera in their own room if they would like to do so. If you agree, please log on to SenatorJimRunestad.com and fill out my petition now.
My petition calls on fellow lawmakers and the governor to support Senate Bill 77 and calls on nursing homes to allow residents to install a camera under certain situations. Elder abuse is a real threat, and it does not go away just because we ignore it.
Cameras can act as a deterrent to some of the most heinous behavior taking place, and they can give peace of mind to family members worried about the care of their loved ones. If an episode of abuse does happen and is caught on tape, legal video evidence can be used to bring justice to the abusers. Sign the petition today to make your voice heard!
Runestad resolution denounces governor’s nursing home policy
Last Thursday, a bipartisan majority approved Senate Resolution 125, my measure denouncing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s policy placing COVID-19-positive residents with uninfected residents in nursing homes
The governor’s decision to place sick patients in facilities with other residents is deeply flawed, and it put a vulnerable population at risk for contracting this deadly virus. Older adults are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 and its most serious complications. It is important that we not only change this policy for our seniors currently facing this virus, but that we learn from the mistakes of this policy going forward.
Learn more about my resolution here, or click on the picture above to view my speech on the Senate floor.
Using federal funds to fight the coronavirus
I was proud to vote to authorize $880 million in unused federal CARES Act funding to help Michigan families, workers and schools affected by the COVID-19 health crisis.
While Michigan still faces a tremendous challenge with our state budget, this legislation allows us to take advantage of federal resources available to us.
Senate Bill 690 would invest $100 million for small business restart grants, $100 million in hazard pay for local first responders, $125 million to reduce child care costs by 30%, $29 million for additional temporary workers to handle unemployment claims, and $117 million to temporarily increase pay by $2 per hour for direct care workers — including those caring for seniors in nursing facilities.
SB 690 would also invest $200 million for local governments for public health and safety costs related to the pandemic, $25 million for testing supplies and personal protective equipment for workers like those at nursing and home health care facilities, $15 million to support farms and maintain a safe food supply, $2.5 million in assistance to hospitality workers who may not be eligible for full unemployment benefits, and $43 million to make learn-from-home devices and connectivity more affordable and cover COVID-19 costs for schools.
Auto insurance changes take effect July 1
Last year my colleagues and I made reforming our highest-in-the-country auto insurance costs our top priority. We worked across the aisle to deliver real rate relief beginning next month.
Starting July 1, drivers can choose their level of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. The reforms also mean that insurance companies can no longer discriminate based on nondriving factors such as gender, occupation and education level.
To learn more about the new changes, visit www.Michigan.gov/autoinsurance.
Information on long-term care facilities during COVID-19
The Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is hosting informational calls every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. These are opportunities for residents and their families to learn more about COVID-19 in long-term care facilities and for the ombudsman to answer your questions.
To learn more, visit the program website here.
Subscribe to my email newsletter
If you are not already subscribed, you can sign up to receive my email newsletter here. And please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends, neighbors and anyone else who would like to stay up to date on the COVID-19 response and what is happening with state government.
The 15th District includes the cities of Northville, Novi, Orchard Lake, South Lyon, Walled Lake and Wixom and the townships of Commerce, Lyon, Milford, Novi, West Bloomfield and White Lake.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance on any matter pertaining to state government.
Best Regards,
Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 |