Dear neighbor,
Below you will find legislative updates from the state Capitol that are important to the residents of western Oakland County. You also will find important updates and communications on my website: SenatorJimRunestad.com.
Serving you,
Senator Jim Runestad 23rd State Senate District
Legislation championed by Runestad to crack down on auto theft technology becomes law
Public Acts 92 and 93 of 2024 were signed into law with immediate effect this year by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, making it a crime in Michigan to possess, use, or intend to use a computer or similar technology, commonly referred to as “AutoProPad” devices, to remotely program key codes for automobile thefts.
Michigan has one of the highest rates of auto theft in the nation, and these devices have been one of the main reasons for it; it’s been exploding the cost of insurance. This is why I have been leading the fight to crack down on criminals who exploit this technology, including my own Senate Bill 870 of 2022. I am so pleased that we finally got this legislation over the finish line in both legislative chambers and signed into law. Finally, these car-thieving scumbags will be going to jail!
I recently attended an event in Macomb County to discuss these news laws with law enforcement leaders and other public officials. Click on the image below to read more about that event in the Macomb Daily.
Fighting terrible, rotten bills
Democrats in Lansing are attempting to take control over master plans from local municipalities, suppress the voice of local residents and use taxpayer dollars to issue low-interest bonds for the Wayne County Port Authority. I will continue to fight against legislation like House Bill 5557, now Public Act 153 of 2024, and Senate Bill 893, which seek to usurp the will of local residents and put Lansing bureaucrats in charge of your communities.
Democrats blow a hole in Michigan’s Open Meetings Act
Your ability to hold local decision-makers accountable would soon become more difficult if Lansing Democrats succeed in railroading Senate Bill 870 through the Legislature while they still have full control of both chambers until the end of the year. This bill would undermine Michigan’s Open Meetings Act and public trust by allowing appointed members of public bodies to virtually attend public meetings by simply claiming a physical or mental disability without any proof. This bill would infringe upon the rights of residents to confront board members in person and shield the public servants from public accountability.
House bills would allow state agency to force aggregate mining on local communities
In another effort to flex the muscles of big government over local control, a series of House bills have been introduced to allow the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy to issue permits and force aggregate mining upon your municipality regardless of any opposition from local elected officials or residents. House Bills 6108-6111 are a power grab for EGLE and bloated heavy-handed government, and I will fight against these efforts to take your voice away.
Lame duck bills are back — they won’t benefit taxpayers
It’s important to remind Michigan residents that they will see poor bills that failed in the recent past reemerge and be pushed through by the Democrat-controlled Legislature before the end of December. Keep your eyes and ears open over the next few weeks and be prepared to voice your opinions about what is sure to be a tsunami of horrible bills.
Although the video below is from a past lame duck session, it is still a relevant warning today as the Democrats prepare to lose control of the House in 2025.
Sen. Runestad will host community hour Dec. 2
Join me in district from 6 to 7 p.m. on Dec. 2 at the Waterford Township Hall for a community session that will include important policy updates from Lansing and time for questions. All residents of the 23rd Senate District are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Annette Lebaron at 517-373-2470 or [email protected].
Team Runestad celebrates Veterans Day honoring brave men and women who served
My office team celebrated Veterans Day at the Westlake Health Campus in Commerce Charter Township on Nov. 8. We honor and thank all those who served to protect our freedoms and defend our country. We are grateful for their selfless service and respect their sacrifice and dedication.
Waterford Cub Scouts welcome Sen. Runestad
On Nov. 18, I joined the members of Cub Scout Pack 182 of Waterford as they learned about running for public office and how important it is to vote. It was wonderful to see young scouts engaging in this important discussion with such valuable knowledge to earn their badge. Keep up the good work and thank you for inviting me to your meeting.
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Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Visit my website at: www.SenatorJimRunestad.com