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Dear neighbor,

Below you will find legislative updates from the state Capitol that are important to the residents of western Oakland County. You also will find important updates and communications on my website:

Serving you,

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Senator Jim Runestad
23rd State Senate District

‘Big Brother’ is watching: Dems pushing terrible surveillance bills

House Bills 4132 and 4133 would bring Michigan one step closer to imposing overbearing surveillance policies that would be more in line with authoritarian regimes like the Chinese communist government. While seemingly targeted, this legislation opens the door even wider for cameras to ticket you and the state to infringe upon your constitutionally protected right to due process. The end game of bills like these is to impose bigger and stronger government upon the people. I will fight them as they move through the Legislature.

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‘Mental health’ parole legislation would open dangerous loophole

Senate Bill 599 could have easily been a bipartisan bill to reduce costs to our prison system and help grant terminally ill inmates an opportunity to spend their final days back in their communities with family and friends. But the devil is in the details, and Democrats have compromised this legislation to allow potentially dangerous criminals with a loophole to early release. I will continue to oppose this bill as long as it lacks commonsense guardrails against opportunist criminals seeking to wreak havoc on society.

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Eviction expungement bill could ruin state’s rental industry

Democrats are looking to tie the hands of Michigan’s landlords with Senate Bill 801. This terrible legislation would allow the courts to remove evictions from some people’s records and outlaw those past evictions from being considered by potential future landlords. This terrible bill would unfairly withhold critical information from rental owners when considering dependable tenants and could devastate Michigan’s rental industry. The state should not be in the business of forcing landlords to assume greater risk for disastrous losses.

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Runestad on Dem’s 2025 budget plan: ‘Michigan taxpayers will not be able to afford the bill when the party’s over’

Democrats in control of the Senate recently forced through a disastrous series of bills proposing the state’s 2025 fiscal year budget.

A year ago, Democrats celebrated their new majority by blowing through the state’s $9 billion budget surplus in record time. Now, they plan to continue their spending spree by picking the pockets of Michigan taxpayers to the tune of a $700 million tax hike, raiding $670 million from the teacher pension fund and a garbage 1,200% tax increase on trash. Michigan residents simply cannot afford the higher taxes and crippling debts that will come from this Democrats gone wild party-now-and-make-them-pay-later disregard for our state’s future economic prosperity.

Senate Republicans offered more than 70 amendments to make better use of Michigan’s tax dollars. We tried to redirect outrageous corporate welfare handouts, irresponsible DEI dollars, and other politically motivated pet projects to more commonsense areas of real need, such as infrastructure investments to fix crumbling bridges, proven training for teachers and students to bring fourth graders out of the bottom national percentages for proficiency, greater public safety to crack down on the fentanyl crisis, protecting vulnerable children by filling a 280-employee hole to hire more Child Protective Services caseworkers, and this list goes on.

Democrats shut every single Republican amendment down, taunting the minority party with their majority muscles to irresponsibly spend other people’s money. Sadly, Michigan taxpayers will not be able to afford the bill when the party’s over.

Runestad stands firm against Asian-American discrimination

I recently spoke on the Senate floor against discrimination experienced by Michigan’s Asian-American communities, including within the admissions process at some universities.

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Forward this email to a friend so they can learn the truth about what the media is not reporting

If you know someone who would like to know about what’s going on in Lansing, please forward this email to any who would like to learn the truth about what is going on in Lansing! And if you or someone you know has a local or state issue that they need help with, please don’t hesitate to have them reach out to my office at any time!

The 23rd Senate District

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Senator Jim Runestad
7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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