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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I know many of you have reached out to me with questions and concerns about the state’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. I want to let you know that I am working to address those issues and I appreciate having your insight as we prepare to take the next steps in our state's response.

As always, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at 517-373-3760 if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns that I can help you address.


Rick Outman
State Senator
33rd District


Governor announces updates to stay-at-home order

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Retailers, restaurants and other Michigan businesses will be permitted to open their doors to patrons again with capacity limits and guests adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Yesterday, the governor signed Executive Order 2020-110, rescinding her “Safer-at-Home” order and moving the entire state into phase four of her Michigan Safe Start Plan.

Last week, Michigan residents were given the go ahead to begin gathering in groups of 10 people or less, as long as they adhere to social distancing guidance. Retail businesses and auto dealerships were able to reopen by appointment and health care providers could resume nonessential medical, dental and veterinary procedures.

Now, EO 2020-110 will allow retailers to reopen on June 4 and restaurants to reopen on June 8 — both being subject to capacity limits. Day camps for children will likewise be permitted to open on June 8. Effective immediately, groups of 100 or less are allowed gather outdoors with social distancing. Office work that is not capable of being performed remotely can resume, and in-home services, including housecleaning services, can resume operations.

Now that local businesses in our communities can begin accepting customers again, I encourage you to support these businesses whenever you are able. They have faced terrible difficulties in recent months and need our help now more than ever.


Outman reminds residents about website to assist with pending UIA claims

My staff and I are still working diligently to assist constituents with their unemployment claims.

I can be most helpful if I have all of the information about your claim, so I created a form on my website for you to submit all of your concerns at once. Please share this link with anyone in the 33rd District who still needs help with UIA.

You can find the form by visiting my website at:


Legislature’s lawsuit update

I join my colleagues in expressing disappointment in many aspects of the recent Court of Claims ruling allowing the governor to continue her self-assumed authority and closing the door on the Legislature.

We are, however, vindicated after the confirmation that the governor acted unlawfully in attempting to extend the states of emergency and disaster under the Emergency Management Act of 1976 without legislative approval. I support Senate Majority Leader Shirkey’s next step in seeking consideration from the Michigan Supreme Court.

We can’t control the timeline for the court to consider the case but have asked that the Supreme Court give it immediate consideration. Stay tuned for further developments.


Michigan families deserve better

To put things into perspective: Reaching over 100 COVID-19 executive orders can only happen when an administration completely shuts out the Legislature.

This is not the system of government we teach our children in civics class. Closing the door on the branch of government that holds the voice of the people does not bode well for the future, yet we’ve seen this again and again from the current administration.

Our Michigan economy is suffering, and state, local and school budgets are decimated — we’re talking billions of dollars behind. This year’s and next year’s budget seasons are going to be incredibly difficult as we attempt to fill these gaps in our state budget.

My colleagues on the other side of the aisle seem to have abandoned their duties and oversight responsibilities as a co-equal branch of government. Instead, they’ve comforted themselves in the false-security of the governor’s temporary blanket of authority, ignoring the damage that is left in the wake of her unreasonable executive orders.

I remain committed to standing up for the people of Michigan as we navigate these unprecedented times.


Our District

The 33rd state Senate District includes Clare, Gratiot, Isabella, Mecosta, and Montcalm counties.

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Thank you for subscribing to my electronic newsletter! I am honored to represent you in the 33rd Senate District of Michigan. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to forward this on to others who may be interested in receiving the 33rd District E-news. You may sign up for it also at my website.

Senator Rick Outman
4400 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

Visit my website at: