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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Welcome to the most recent edition of my monthly e-newsletter.

Below you’ll find an update on some items we’ve been working on in Lansing.

Thank you for allowing me to represent you in the Michigan Senate. I am grateful each and every day to work for the people of the 33rd Senate District.


Rick Outman
State Senator
33rd Senate District

Outman supports efforts to enhance access to Michigan’s great outdoors

Last week, I joined my colleagues on the Senate Appropriations Committee in approving the 2024 land development and acquisition project recommendations for the Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF).

For over 40 years, resources from the NRTF have been used to enhance access to public recreation and improve the quality of life for all Michigan families. The fund is supported by interest earnings from the development of state-owned mineral rights, and the fund’s dollars are constitutionally restricted to recreation improvements and land acquisitions.

This unique resource has opened the door for many Michigan families to enjoy fishing, hiking, boating, biking, and other outdoor recreational opportunities.

The 2024 recommendations include nearly $10 million for 35 recreation development projects and $18.5 million for 18 land acquisition projects — two of which are in the 33rd Senate District.

The city of Cedar Springs is scheduled to receive $300,000 for the Heart of Cedar Springs Playground development. The 2024 spending also included $1.2 million for the state to acquire the Rogue River State Game Area. The goal of state acquisitions is to enhance forest management, outdoor recreation in the area and environmental protections.

I look forward to seeing these, and the many other projects across the state, come to fruition.

Congratulations to Impact Award winner Brandon Nowak!

I joined Michigan Works! staff and other elected officials in Lansing to congratulate the agency’s annual award winners, including 2024 Impact Award recipient Brandon Nowak from Newaygo County.

The Impact Awards recognize dedication to talent growth and development, and Brandon took that mission statement and made it his own.

I’d like to congratulate Brandon and other honorees on taking the next step to expand their education and turn that knowledge into life-long careers.

Congratulations and keep up the great work!

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April is National Donate Life Month

Each year, National Donate Life Month brings attention to the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation. With more than 100,000 patients in the U.S. waiting for a transplant, it is more important than ever for everyone to register as a donor. One donor can save up to eight lives, restore sight to two people through cornea donation, and heal more than 75 others through tissue donation.

In 2023, Michigan became the first state to allow residents to register organ donors on their state income tax return. Public Acts 101 and 102 of 2023 allow an individual to become an organ donor by simply checking the box on their state income tax form.

In addition to marking their income tax form, Michigan residents can register as an organ donor online or at their local secretary of state’s office. For more information about organ donation and the Michigan Organ Donor Registry, visit

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MDE announces rules changes

The Michigan Department of Education has announced administrative rules changes within two of its offices. Theses announcements come with the opportunity for the public to provide comments and feedback:

1. The Office of Special Education is proposing changes to the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education.  Those who wish to comment are encouraged to provide written comments before 5 p.m. on April 19. For more information about these changes or to provide comments, please visit the MDE website.

2. The Office of Educator Excellence is proposing changes to the administrative rules regarding Teacher Certification Code, Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Tools, and School Social Worker Certification Code. Comments on these proposed rules may be made by using the Online Public Written Comment Tool, at the public hearing, or by mail. The public hearing will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. on April 9. For more information about the rule changes, the zoom link to attend virtually, or to attend the hearing in person, visit the MDE Public Comment site.

Opioid settlement dashboard

Since 1999, more than 1 million people in the U.S. have died from a drug overdose. Since 2021, more than 75% of overdose deaths involved an opioid. In Michigan, the opioid death rate has increased by an average of 13.9% each year from 2000 and 2020.

The state of Michigan, joined with other states, filed lawsuits against companies that manufactured, sold, or distributed prescription painkillers for their role in fueling the opioid crisis. Settlements in many of these lawsuits have been reached with corporations like Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart. Funds from these settlements are to be distributed to the state and local units of government for opioid-use disorder treatment and remediation.

The Michigan Department of Attorney General has launched a new website to help residents and local units of government find multiple sources of information in one place. Information housed on the site includes:

• Resources for people struggling with addiction and seeking help.
• Links to each of the settlement documents.
• An opioid settlement payment estimator which outlines approximately how much the state, each county, and each participating municipality will receive year-by-year, by settlement, and in total.
• Links to the Michigan Association of Counties Settlement Dashboard.
• Information on how the money is being used across the state, including links to local dashboards, taskforces, and strategic plans.

Michigan's 33rd Senate District

Michigan’s 33rd Senate District now includes Montcalm and Newaygo counties, along with parts of Ionia, Lake, Kent, Muskegon and Ottawa counties.

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Thank you for subscribing to my electronic newsletter! I am honored to represent you in the 33rd Senate District of Michigan. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to forward this on to others who may be interested in receiving the 33rd District E-news. You may sign up for it also at my website.

Senator Rick Outman
4400 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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