Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Welcome to the most recent edition of my monthly e-newsletter. Thank you for allowing me to represent you in the Michigan Senate. I am grateful each and every day to work for the people of the 33rd Senate District.
Updates on other recent news can be found below. To my fellow hunters, good luck and be safe.
Rick Outman State Senator 33rd District
Senate panel opens hearings on historic water infrastructure bill
The Senate Appropriations Committee recently began hearings to consider a budget supplemental bill that would invest over $2.5 billion of federal recovery funds and available state resources to preserve and protect the state’s water quality, treatment infrastructure, environment and more.
Senate Bill 565 would designate $600 million for the replacement of lead pipes across the state, $700 million to upgrade local drinking water and wastewater facilities and $85 million to ensure students have access to safe water by installing filtered water stations inside schools.
The bill would repurpose $290 million in bonds to assist communities with upgrading and replacing water treatment infrastructure and establish a loan program for homeowners seeking to replace failing septic systems. It also includes $680 million to repair Michigan’s critical dams, $15 million to conduct surface water monitoring, $10 million for wetland mitigation, and $20 million to implement recommendations included in the Groundwater Use Advisory Council Report. The plan addresses the harmful impacts of PFAS chemicals and would dedicate $100 million in grants to remove the chemicals from “orphaned” sites.
The bill will remain before the committee for further consideration. If passed from the committee it will move to the full Senate for a vote.
Outman: November is Military Family Appreciation Month
Behind every Michigander serving in our armed forces is a loving family back home.
Military families make unique sacrifices and challenges in supporting their loved ones in uniform. No matter what rank or branch, or where life has taken them, our nation’s military families share the common threads of service and sacrifice.
Military Family Appreciation Month is a wonderful time to remember and thank our military families for the sacrifices they make in preserving and protecting our freedoms.
Clean Boats, Clean Waters grants now available
The Michigan Clean Boats, Clean Waters program is offering grants to support aquatic invasive species outreach efforts. This funding opportunity is available to organizations dedicated to boater education and protecting Michigan’s waterways.
Funding requests can range from $1,000 to $3,000 and can be used for a variety of activities including signage, invasive species removal supplies such as plant removal tools, sponges and towels, and staff time to perform watercraft inspections and demonstrations of boat cleaning techniques. Applicants are encouraged to partner with other conservation organizations and to conduct boater outreach on a regional scale.
Please visit the Clean Boats, Clean Waters website for more information and to apply. The deadline is Dec. 17.
Outman announces training grants for Pre-K–3rd grade teachers
As part of the fiscal year 2022 School Aid budget, passed by the Legislature earlier this year, the Michigan Department of Education has announced training grants for Pre-K to third grade teachers. The training will develop an expertise in language and literacy and will provide instruction in the science of reading – at no cost to educators.
Any Michigan Pre-K to third grade teacher currently teaching in any Michigan public school or public charter school is encouraged to apply. Pre-K, kindergarten, and first grade teachers will be prioritized. The deadline to apply to participate in the first cohort is Dec. 10, and the course begins in January 2022.
Additional information, including LETRS resources, cohorts and training dates, and registration information, can be found by visiting www.lexialearning.com/Michigan-letrs or the MDE website.
Michigan’s bear management program to receive an update
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is asking for input on Michigan’s bear management plan. The current Bear Management plan, which was finalized in 2009, is being updated.
The goal for black bear management in Michigan is to ensure the long-term survival of this species and to provide people with a variety of bear-related recreational opportunities. Michigan is home to more than 10,000 bears, mostly in the Upper Peninsula.
Please visit the DNR’s Bear Management page to see a summary of the proposed changes and to provide input. Input can be submitted through Dec. 1.
Good luck to Michigan hunters!
One of the most anticipated days of the year for countless Michiganders has now arrived!
As you and your friends and family take to the woods, I wanted to provide some resources that will help make this year’s hunt the best and safest yet!
The 2021 edition of the Michigan Hunting Digest is available for all interested residents. This annual publication, made available by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, contains everything hunters need to know, including the latest rules and regulations pertaining to hunting and trapping, as well as species-specific information.
Hunters can use the hunting digest to find license information, hunting zones and hours, rules, regulations and more.
The 2021 Hunting Digest is available online by clicking here and can be downloaded to a smartphone or other personal device for use in the field.
For additional information on licensing and hunting seasons, please visit www.michigan.gov/dnr. Be sure to visit www.michigan.gov/hunting to stay current on rule changes and other important news.
Outman receives 2021 Joe Curtin Legislative Advocacy Award
Public service often presents me with humbling experiences. After being nominated by a constituent, I was recently awarded the first-ever Joe Curtin Legislative Advocacy Award.
The award was named in honor of Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel (MARSP) State and Local Legislative Co-Chair Joe Curtin, who spent decades of his life advocating on behalf of Michigan’s retired teachers and being their voice in the state’s Capitol. Members of MARSP, along with Curtin’s family, sought to carry on his legacy by establishing an annual award that embodies his lifelong dedication to serving others.
It was a pleasure to accept this reward and be recognized for my work to address the substitute teacher shortage in Michigan and protect the pensions of those who spent decades earning their retirement.
Last month, I had a chance to join the monthly Montcalm County legislative update. I always enjoy hearing from everyone as well as letting the people of Montcalm County know what we have been working on in Lansing.
I recently participated in a Drug Take-Back event at Sheridan Community Hospital. This event was put on by local hospitals, state and local law enforcement agencies, health departments, local governments, and many other organizations and provided free disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications. It was a successful event, and I am grateful to all who helped organize and those who participated.
It was an honor to present Sidney State Bank with a special tribute on their 100th anniversary.
I joined friends and family in presenting Fire Chief Tim Irwin a tribute honoring his service to the community. We wish him all the best as he enters his retirement and thank him for all he has done.
The 33rd state Senate District includes Clare, Gratiot, Isabella, Mecosta, and Montcalm Counties.
Thank you for subscribing to my electronic newsletter! I am honored to represent you in the 33rd Senate District of Michigan. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to forward this on to others who may be interested in receiving the 33rd District E-news. You may sign up for it also at my website.
Senator Rick Outman 4400 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 |