Dear neighbor,
Below you will find legislative updates from the state Capitol that are important to the residents of western Oakland County. You also will find important updates and communications on my website: SenatorJimRunestad.com.
Serving you,
Senator Jim Runestad 23rd State Senate District
Saying no to Democrats’ ‘blackout bills’
Democrats are pushing hard to radically change the state’s energy policy with a series of extreme bills in an attempt to mandate a Michigan Green New Deal. Well, this effort is sure to be a bad deal for the people of our state. We have already seen how similar energy legislation has had devastating consequences in places like California, where residents pay more for less reliable energy and blackouts and brownouts are common. The rate hikes these bills will bring will devastate Michigan families who are already struggling with high prices. Senate Democrats passed the first of these bills along party lines last night after shooting down 27 Republican amendments, sending these blackout bills to the House.
Fighting draconian efforts to override local control
In their continued efforts to force radical energy policy upon the people of Michigan, Democrats in the Legislature are championing a series of draconian bills to override local zoning authority in our communities and hand it over to the governor's appointed bureaucrats, allowing the Michigan Public Service Commission to slap down solar and wind farms wherever they please. The state should not be dictating land use in local communities.
More oversight is needed to protect Michigan’s children
I recently spoke on the Senate floor in support of an amendment I offered to Senate Bill 432 to bring more oversight, transparency and accountability to Michigan’s Child Protective Services as part of the bill package to reform the state’s juvenile justice laws. My amendment was defeated and my original legislation on the subject, SB 53, has sat without a hearing in the Senate Committee on Oversight since it was introduced in February. I will not stop fighting on behalf of Michigan’s vulnerable children.
Dems push state IDs for illegal immigrants, red flag for voter fraud
Senate Democrats have introduced legislation to allow for illegal immigrants to obtain a Michigan ID card and driver’s license. This bill is ripe with opportunities for deception, including possible voter fraud, and other measures that encroach upon the rights of actual U.S. citizens.
Property desecration bills go too far, threaten free speech
A pair of House bills are working their way through the Legislature that raise serious First Amendment concerns. While this legislation is aimed at protecting property from malicious destruction — a good thing — they go too far in encroaching on rights to free speech, essentially criminalizing words with or without criminal actions attached. The intentions might be good, but the consequences will be bad should these dangerous measures ever become law.
Next community hour is Nov. 13
I am excited to host my next community hour on Nov. 13 in Highland. These are wonderful opportunities to connect with constituents about what is happening at the state Capitol and hear about issues that are important to them. All residents of the 23rd District are welcome to attend.
The meeting will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on Nov. 13 at Highland Township Fire Station 1, 1600 Highland Road in Highland. Please call or text your RSVP to Teresa at 586-713-5252.
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If you know of someone who would like to know about what’s going on in Lansing, please forward this email on to a friend! And if you know of anyone who could use help with a state matter, please don’t hesitate to have them reach out to my office at any time!
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Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Visit my website at: www.SenatorJimRunestad.com