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Speak up against Gov. Whitmer’s endless emergency!

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When MIOSHA put their COVID-19 emergency workplace safety rules in place last October, they said these rules were to help stop the spread of the virus and keep workers safe. Now, the governor and MIOSHA are trying to make their COVID-19 emergency rules permanent.

Under the proposed permanent rules, employers would still have to adhere to many directives like requiring that their employees wear masks at all times, that social distancing be enforced and that employers create a policy prohibiting in-person work to the extent that work can be feasibly completed remotely, among others. Additionally, the department could keep these directives in place after the state’s emergency orders have been rescinded.

If you believe these rules are an overreach and will hurt already struggling Michigan businesses, make your voice heard! Michigan workers and job providers have the opportunity to speak out against these proposed rules.

My colleagues and I recently launched a website where you can provide your input on the proposed rules and speak out against Gov. Whitmer’s endless emergency. The information you provide on the website will be sent directly to the department on your behalf as a public comment. Visit my website at or click here to submit your public comment and make your voice heard. Comments must be submitted by May 26 at 5 p.m.

We need reasonable, long-term solutions that recognize the COVID-19 emergency will end, not a one-size-fits-all set of rules that are overly burdensome and do not account for increased vaccine availability. Our businesses and communities are struggling. Michigan needs to move forward, not be handcuffed by permanent restrictions that will negatively impact our economy and further damage our already struggling communities.

Michigan's 34th Senate District

The 34th State Senate District includes the counties of Muskegon, Newaygo, and Oceana.

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Senator Jon Bumstead
4600 Connie Binsfeld Building
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

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