If you haven’t heard, lawmakers in the state House are currently considering House Bill 5229, which would make it easier for advocates of an expanded regional transit to levy taxes at a cost to hardworking Oakland County taxpayers — most of whom will not see the benefits of expanded transit.
I have some major concerns with this legislation, including the inability of local communities to opt out of the plan, the eroding of taxpayer protections, and the fact that a great deal of Oakland County’s tax money could go toward paying off Detroit’s financial troubles.
Even more troubling, taxes could be increased by up to 5 mills over the next 20 years for not just this but for a host of other unnamed infrastructure projects. This translates to billions upon billions of dollars coming out of the pockets of Oakland County taxpayers. I don’t know about you, but I think Oakland County families are taxed enough already.
I’ve included more information below on this issue. Continue reading to learn more about the effects that this will have on families and hardworking taxpayers in our community.
In your service,
Senator Jim Runestad Serving the 15th State Senate District
The Spinal Column: Transit millage will raise property taxes; local officials weigh in
“In southeastern Michigan, and in the state of Michigan, we are facing one of the most important pieces of legislation that we have ever considered,” Sen. Jim Runestad, R-15th District, told attendees of the January 21 White Lake Township Board meeting. “This legislation will take billions of dollars out of northern and western Oakland County and shift it primarily into Wayne and Washtenaw counties, and in return, northern and western Oakland County gets virtually nothing. This is the biggest cost shift we have ever seen in the state of Michigan.” Runestad is referring to the renewed push for regional transit.
Continue reading.
Detroit News op-ed: Oakland County taxpayers deserve better
“Oakland County has been rated time and again as one of the best-run counties in the nation. Our industries are thriving, our schools are great and our law enforcement is the best in the business. Things aren’t perfect, but in my opinion there’s no better place in the world to live, work or raise a family.
"That’s why I’m so concerned about an effort in the state Legislature that could undo many of the taxpayer protections made over the last 40 years.”
Read the rest of my op-ed in the Detroit News here.
WDIV 4: Bill could lead to property tax increase
“Meanwhile concern is growing about a bill that is coursing through Lansing that could get very costly for homeowners, particularly in Oakland County … The proposal allows for a 5 mill increase, meaning an annual tax bill going up between $300 and $1,000 per home.”
Watch the video here.
Runestad invites Oakland County executive to discuss regional transit legislation
Sen. Jim Runestad has issued an invitation to Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter to join him for a discussion on House Bill 5229.
“I have some major concerns about House Bill 5229 and what it could mean for hardworking taxpayers in Oakland County,” said Runestad, R-White Lake. “I would like to invite Mr. Coulter to join me in a forum discussion on what exactly the impact of this legislation would be for families in our county.”
Continue reading here.
The 15th District includes the cities of Northville, Novi, Orchard Lake, South Lyon, Walled Lake and Wixom and the townships of Commerce, Lyon, Milford, Novi, West Bloomfield and White Lake.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance on any matter pertaining to state government.
Best Regards,
Senator Jim Runestad 7500 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536